Front Cover Back Cover |
- Introduction 6
- The genre and the unique value of Your Name is Renée 6
- About the authors and Ruth Kapp Hartz 7
- Teaching rationale by Marjorie Callahan Beck, M.S.Ed 8
- Establishing the historical framework 9
- Accompanying video Ruth Tells Her Story; using the video 13
- Part One: Escape 15
Synopses of the chapters, vocabulary 15
Activities: Who are the key characters? What are they like? 16
Suggested discussion topics 16
Suggested essay topic: How can one feel “safe” in an unsafe environment? 16
- Part Two: In Hiding 17
Synopses of the chapters, vocabulary 17-18
Activities: What important changes occur in the main characters? 18
What new characters appear? 18
Suggested discussion topics 19
Suggested essay topic: Courage and risk-taking 19
- Part Three: Liberation 20
Synopses of the chapters, vocabulary 20
Activities: Which characters take on great importance? 21
How do the characters shift in their appearance in the text? 21
Suggested discussion topics 21
Suggested essay topics:
Dealing with sadness; sustaining hope 21
Can lying be justified? 21
- Additional topics for writing or discussion 22
Middle school , high school and adult classes, and reading groups 22
- Interdisciplinary activities 24
Art, Mathematics, Foreign Language
- References for middle school, high school and adult—bibliographies, videography, webography 26